Corporations need to understand something about these people: their objective is not really to gain any ground but to find an outlet for their rage at the world changing around them. They are starving for outrage and will feast on any scrap. They would rather be perpetually angry than be mollified. They are furious that anyone would ask them to learn about others because it de-centers their experience as the unassailable, unaccountable default. And deep down, they know LGBTQ people are never going away. The closet has been permanently opened.
These people long for an America that always catered to those who look and act like them—that is: white, heterosexual, traditional families. They use religion as a shield for their bigotry. They don’t really care about what Christ taught; he’s just a convenient vehicle.
But that America is long gone, and it’s never coming back. We are witnessing the very long and painful last gasp of that world. And boy, are they furious.