FBI’s Political Agenda Exposed: Agency Conceals Evidence of President Biden’s Bribery Scheme

While Democrats and members of the activist media are locked in a desperate attempt to get the nation to focus on the Justice Department’s indictment against former President Donald Trump, another explosive bombshell in President Joe Biden’s bribery scandal has just dropped. Not surprisingly, it appears the FBI was trying to cover up the scandal in a way that makes it nearly impossible to claim that elements in the Bureau are not acting in a politically motivated manner.

When questioned by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Abbate defended the Bureau by explaining that they “often redact documents to protect sources and methods.”

“The document was redacted to protect the source,” Abbate explained further.

However, as President Biden is fond of saying, this excuse is a bunch of malarkey. This was not about protecting “sources and methods,” it was about shielding the Biden family from scrutiny, plain and simple. There is absolutely no way the Bureau would have done the same thing if this had been Trump instead of Biden.

The public has a right to know about any credible allegations of corruption involving high-ranking officials, irrespective of political affiliations. Unfortunately, the FBI does not seem to believe this is the case.



Article URL : https://redstate.com/jeffc/2023/06/13/fbis-political-agenda-exposed-agency-conceals-evidence-of-president-bidens-bribery-scheme-n760756