Rep. Dan Goldman Sends Republicans Reeling At Hearing By Correcting Biden Bribery Disinformation

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) used his time during a House hearing to correct the Russian disinformation behind the GOP’s Biden bribery allegation.

Goldman said:

We’ve heard so much about this FBI 1023 form and how it includes sensational allegations about a massive alleged bribery scheme by President Biden so I was really eager to read that document this week. 

Did the majority actually find some actual evidence of wrongdoing by the president?

Of course not, but it’s even worse than that. This document that they will not stop talking about is shockingly just a three-year-old second-hand hearsay uncorroborated rehashing of Rudy Giuliani’s bogus allegations that he go from Ukrainian corrupt Ukrainian officials.

Now we all know that former president Donald Trump was impeached because he tried to extort President Zelenskyy to announce an investigation into this Ukrainian company Barisma that would benefit Trump’s political campaign the theory goes that then vice president Biden urged Ukraine to fire its Prosecutor General because he was investigating Barisma and the president wanted to help his son who was on the Barisma board

You know where really Giuliani got this information?

From that fired Prosecutor General himself the corrupt Prosecutor General, and we know with absolute certainty now that the truth is exactly the opposite. 

Rep. Dan Goldman Sends Republicans Reeling At Hearing By Correcting Biden Bribery Disinformation (