Morality or Obedience

It seems the main word of god in the bible is OBEY, not love. He can not even follow his own moral code. If you took your son up a mountain to kill him, you would be jailed. But if god tells you to do it, is that ok? If you had an army and gave a city the choice of all being slaves or you would slaughter everyone there except virgins for your soldiers to “play” with you would be tried for war crimes.

King Saul was replaced because he spared women and children against god’s wishes. Even the Garden of Eden is not about love but obedience. If you told your children not to eat something would you throw them out with no way to live? If someone BET you they could make a loyal friend hate you would you let them?  Etc. Etc. Etc. and so on.

Moldred T. Malcontent

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