Man calls for extreme violence against women at London Trans Pride after cutting testicles off in prison

A man convicted for attempted murder and kidnapping who cut his testicles off while serving a 30-year prison term in the UK called for extreme violence against women at London Trans Pride on Saturday. He was given a stage and a microphone and the crowd of activists gathered around to listen.

Sarah Jane Baker said that if a person doesn’t agree with a woman’s views on biological sex, she should be punched in the face.

“I was gonna come here and be really fluffy,” Baker said to the assembled crowd, draped in a trans flag while waving an Antifa flag, “and be really nice and say ‘yeah, be really lovely and queer and gay.’ Nah. If you see a TERF, punch them in the f*cking face!”

The crowd erupted into cheers, hoots, and hollers. 

Baker, who was imprisoned after being convicted of kidnapping and torturing her stepmother’s brother, was then convicted in prison for the attempted murder of another inmate. Baker also cut his own testicles off in prison. He is a staple at London Trans Pride.

Approved ~ FS