Agent who inspired ‘Sound of Freedom’ warns: ‘Trans Voice’ agenda is straight out of the pedophile playbook

This trafficking economy is in overdrive with the war between Ukraine and Russia. Ballard relates that with the help of director Mel Gibson and an organization called Aerial Recovery, he was able to rescue over 6,000 children from Ukraine. While this is a huge victory, the most chilling part of the telling was Ballard’s encounter with a Dutch political organization called PNVD, whose platform advocated for sexual relations with children as young as three years old.

It’s a frightening ring because it’s a political party that was out of Holland called the PNVD, lots of media on them, they were trying to legalize sex with children. They thought a three-year-old could consent to sex.

The Dutch arrested them in 2020, which is, it’s very hard to get arrested in Holland. You know you gotta be really bad, okay, to get arrested in Holland. They were arrested in 2020–fugitives, they ran. And they were hiding, no one knew where they were. They rear their ugly heads, the leader, this guy named Nillson Matelin. I’m literally in Poland at the time at our staging operation for Ukraine and I get this information that this guy in Mexico is trying to traffick kids out of Ukraine. And so I go undercover, the Dutch asset who gave me this information infiltrated me, and I’m undercover talking to this guy. In the end, in fact, just yesterday two of these guys were convicted in Ecuador because it led us to Ecuador, a child sex hotel these pedophiles from Holland had set up.

But this was not the crux of what Ballard wanted to warn parents about, and he quickly steered the interviewer to the point he wanted to land home.

The point I’m making is, I had to study their literature. This was a political platform. This was a political party. And what I started recognizing, I named them, I called them, “The pedophile network doctrines.” They include things like, separate children from parents because parents are a bad influencethe state knows bestsexualize kids, let them see pornographytake God out of education because that just gets into the wayConsent, consent, consentchildren can consent to anythingAt 12 years old they should be able to vote, they should be able to do anything.

Now, what am I saying here? My stomach is getting sick as I’m reading this, I read this every day—it’s the Woke Left agenda. I’m not saying they’re colluding or talking, it doesn’t matter, it’s the same dark source. But pedophiles are sitting back right now saying, “We’ve been pushing this agenda for decades and now we don’t have to push anymore because the Left is taking care of it for us in America.”

In America!


Closed as Inflammatory ~ Primus Pilus