Israel expels Sub Labans from their home in Jerusalem’s Old City

Ramallah, occupied West Bank – Israeli forces and settlers have expelled a Palestinian family from their home in the occupied Old City of Jerusalem based on an Israeli court order.

The order said the family, who have lived in their home for 70 years, should be removed so settlers could take over.

Just after dawn on Tuesday, dozens of Israeli police and paramilitary officers raided the Ghaith-Sub Laban family in occupied East Jerusalem and forced them out before settlers moved in.

In videos shared by local journalists, Ahmad Sub Laban is seen carrying a small tree out of his home. He reportedly told local media the tree is as old as his 17-year-old son and that it was the one thing the family asked to take with them as a memento of the house “until they return to it”.

Dozens of Israeli left-wing activists protested in front of the family’s home until late morning on Tuesday.

Palestinian civil society and rights groups released a statement late last month blasting Israel’s efforts to displace the family, which they said is “forcible transfer, which constitutes both a war crime and a crime against humanity under the Rome Statute”.

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