Libs of TikTok crash Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, ask if congressman intends to endorse any more pedophiles

Libs of Tiktok’s Chaya Raichik went to California Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell’s office to confront him over campaigning with Stacie Laughton, the first openly transgender lawmaker in the US, who is facing federal charges in connection with sexual exploitation at a daycare center.

Swalwell (D-CA) attended campaign events with the former New Hampshire state representative.

Swalwell was not in the office but Raichik was able to speak with Yardena Wolf, his chief of staff, and videoed the encounter.

Raichik asked Wolf to ask the embattled congressman if he intends to endorse more pedophiles for office. Then followed up and asked “Is Stacie Laughton the only pedophile that he has endorsed for office? Is he going to endorse other types of criminals, or is he going to, you know, stick with just endorsing the pedophiles?”

After giving Wolf her email, Raichik inquired, “Is he [Swalwell] going to endorse bank robbers next, or is he just going to stick to the pedophiles? I’d love to know. I’m sure his constituents would love to know as well.”

After Raichik left the office she said to the camera, “Eric Swalwell has a very impressive resume. He banged a Chinese spy, he farted on live TV, and now a new edition: campaigning for pedophiles for office, so great stuff, and hopefully we’ll get some answers from Eric.”


Approved ~ MJM