Trust the experts 👇
People think they can change their skin color and become part of a different culture associated with that skin color? How silly! In sane nations like America, we only believe that men can be women!
The article starts with a woman who really wants to be Japanese:
Practitioners of what they call “race change to another,” or RCTA, purport to be able to manifest physical changes in their appearance and even their genetics to become a different race. They tune in to subliminal videos that claim can give them an “East Asian appearance” or “Korean DNA.”
But experts underscore that it is simply impossible to change your race.
There, the science is settled! The experts have spoken.
Experts like this:
“It’s just belief,” said Jamie Cohen, an assistant professor of cultural and media studies at Queens College, City University of New York.
Read that again slowly.
…an assistant professor of cultural and media studies
Jamie Cohen defending his very expert credentials:

Okay, so race is made up, so if someone wants to change it, there’s no problem, right? I mean, I’d get fired from Fortune 500 companies if I misgendered a trans person who believes he’s a woman.
Experts agree race is not genetic. But they contend that even though race is a cultural construct, it is impossible to change your race because of the systemic inequalities inherent to being born into a certain race.

David Freund, a historian of race and politics and an associate professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, corroborates the idea that a “biological race” does not exist. What we know today as “race” is a combination of inherited characteristics and cultural traditions passed down through generations, he said.
Wow! Imagine that! The horror!

Translation: White people invented racism so shut up.
Approved ~ MJM