Parents’ rights protestor tells LGBTQ+ advocates to go hang themselves

“You should have died in the f**king closet!”

New videos have surfaced of so-called “parents’ rights” protestors in California encouraging LGBTQ+ people to kill themselves. One of the comments came from a member of a group called Leave Our Kids Alone (LOKA). The group has appeared in Fox News interviews as well as school board meetings, Daily Kos reported.

The videos were taken from a June 2 protest in front of Saticoy Elementary School in North Hollywood, California. Dueling groups protested for and against an optional Pride assembly for students that included a reading of a children’s book featuring same-sex families.“You should have hanged yourself,” one man carrying a LOKA shirt screams at a counter-protester wearing a progress Pride flag. “You should have died in the f**king closet!” the man shouts while other LOKA members pull him away from the counter-protester.

“You should have hanged yourself,” one man carrying a LOKA shirt screams at a counter-protester wearing a progress Pride flag. “You should have died in the f**king closet!” the man shouts while other LOKA members pull him away from the counter-protester.

In a second video, another man says, “Hey, I’ve got a big hook for you,” while making a circle with his forefinger and thumb. Moving his hand around his neck, he adds, “I need you to hang yourself with it.”

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