You want to talk about murdering babies? So do I!

I tried to watch The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper entitled “Without Roe — The New Abortion Landscape”  It was about advocate groups trying to help women in states where abortion is banned get the health care that they need.  I couldn’t watch more than a few minutes.  The backlash from sanctimonious religious groups including death threats on individuals trying to assist these women made me so mad I just couldn’t watch.  It was 11:30 at night and this really isn’t good for my stomach acids, so I turned it off and went to bed.

What made me absolutely lose my sh*t was this particularly smug, smarmy pastor who was advocating punishing mothers going out of state to murder their babies. 

Dude, you want to talk about murdering babies?  Because I really want to talk about murdering babies.  Actual babies, and children.  Living breathing walking talking children who died directly at the hands of the Church.  I want to talk about the blood of innocent children on YOUR hands .

I would like to point out that I am not against individual people of faith.  I am one myself, but Jesus called out religious hypocrisy wherever he found it, so here we are.

The above picture depicts our national shame in Canada.  Residential Schools were an institution where Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families to attend schools funded by the government and run by the Catholic Church.  They started in the 1870’s and the last one closed in 1996.

The purpose was to integrate Indigenous children into white culture—or else.  These children were abused physically, sexually, worked and starved to death and then dumped in unmarked mass graves, by the hundreds.  New ones are being found all the time.  These children deserve to be remembered and they deserve justice.

Pope Francis did a little apology tour last year which I suppose is better than nothing.  It doesn’t bring those children back.  You’re a day late and a dollar short Frank!

Don’t get me wrong.  I do believe in the ACTUAL teachings of Jesus Christ and I believe that picture above makes him cry.  I believe he cries every time someone kills in His name.  I believe in Jesus but I have no use for what His church has become—a patriarchal political organization for controlling populations and a money making operation who wouldn’t recognize Jesus if he marched into their church and started overturning tables.  This pastor is one sorry excuse for a man of the cloth.

Hundreds, maybe thousands of young bodies are being recovered and remembered.  But it will never be enough.

Residential schools were run by the Catholic church and this pastor is an Evangelical.  Doesn’t matter.  It’s still murder of children in Jesus’s name. As far as I am concerned there is plenty of blood to go around.  Same sh*t different pile.

If we look at religious murders throughout history we can look at the Salem Witch Trials, the Inquisition, the Crusades and the Church’s collusion with German Nazis, who also claimed to be “Christian”.  That’s a lot of blood on the Church’s hands.

So this pastor and all like him have zero moral authority to invoke “Saving Babies” when they tout total abortion bans.  We know they have very little interest in saving actual babies. The above picture proves it.

You Want to Talk About Murdering Babies? So Do I! (