KJP tries to spin Biden’s Medal of Honor snub, claiming he left early to “minimize close contact” since his wife has Covid … by walking maskless through the crowd?

The Biden Administration may have just given Jill Biden Covid so that they’d be able to use the WuFlu as an excuse again.

Yesterday, President Biden made a disgraceful scene when he left early from a Medal of Honor ceremony at the White House:

Joe Biden awkwardly walked off during a Medal of Honor ceremony yesterday in what might be his most disrespectful senile moment yet

He made it look like he had better things to do than honor our nation’s heroes.

But, today, the spin is coming out of the White House that Grandpa Joe left the ceremony so that he wouldn’t spread a disease that he’s not carrying.

Just yesterday we were told Biden would mask indoors but he took off his mask (it’s okay, only the elderly Medal of Honor recipient was there!).

This disease is still, in 2023, so scary that you can’t take off your mask unless you’re making a speech but also it can be spread by someone who has tested negative for it multiple times.


If he had stayed in that room just one second longer, well, there’s no telling what would have happened.

Sure, he left by walking through the middle of the crowd, breathing on everyone in attendance, but he was doing so in order to protect them.


Approved ~ MJM