Federal judge orders buoys in Rio Grande moved to Texas riverbank

Texas has been ordered to move the barriers it placed in the Rio Grande.

In a statement posted on X (formerly Twitter), Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said the state will appeal.

The Department of Justice sued the State of Texas for placing the buoys in the Rio Grande in July. The Justice Department said in court documents Texas didn’t have the authority to put the buoys in the river because it wasn’t within the State’s jurisdiction.

Judge Ezra said in his decision that Texas wrongly interpreted the government’s stance that U.S. and Mexican relations have never been better and that the reason the United States could prevail in the case is because it adversely harms the federal government’s relationship with another nation. “Texas has drawn the wrong conclusion,” Judge Ezra wrote. “The unprecedented strength and collaboration between the countries currently means the U.S. has more to lose than ever as a result of Texas’s actions. Texas, not a party to the talks and negotiations between the federal government and Mexico, has failed to present any evidence the barrier is not of significant concern to Mexico.”ARTICLE HERE