Donald Trump may be crushing it in the polls, but the Republican party is still in disarray. There are a lot of candidates hoping — and so far very much failing — to seize the GOP 2024 nomination from his mitts. And while many are afraid to say anything to make him mad, others are not. One of them is Ann Coulter, who’s been on the anti-Trump train for years. Trump hasn’t returned fire that often, but on Wednesday he did, big time.
For what it’s worth, Coulter hasn’t held back when it comes to Trump. Back in 2019, after he declared a national emergency to (unsuccessfully) complete his dumb Southern border wall, Coulter wrote, “The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot.”
She’s also told him “he had his chance, with a Republican House and Senate,” then pointed out his nepotism in handing key roles to family members, who then got rich as hell.
Approved ~ MJM