America Enters the Doom Loop

America is in a real pickle.

Our most pressing issue is a self-inflicted wound born of our deeply partisan divide: the weaponization of the criminal justice system and much of the media by Democrats in order to get Donald Trump and protect Joe Biden.

As troubling as every aspect of this effort may be – including Trump’s self-defeating responses to his mistreatment – it’s fitting that this drama is dominating our politics. If the Democrats succeed in undermining the third branch of government (the independent judiciary), we will be in danger of losing the Republic Benjamin Franklin challenged each generation to keep. The stakes are that high.

Still, I wonder: It’s probably going too far to cast all that sturm und drang – which now includes Republican talk of impeaching Biden – as political theater staged by the two parties. But it is awfully convenient for our elected leaders that the attention paid to tribal scandals obscures the failure of both parties to address multiple crises facing the country. At a time when “doom loop” and “fiscal cliff” are becoming part of the lexicon, they are like the people who try to get out of a hole by digging. Consider:

R&I – TP


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