Bribery Charges Become Most Likely GOP Charges In Biden Impeachment Probe (Exclusive)

‘There was money flowing to the son of the vice president turned president,’ Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, tells The Messenger on why he wants to impeach Biden

After nearly a year of investigation, House Republicans have decided to try to make bribery the downfall of President Joe Biden as they prepare to open an impeachment inquiry, according to interviews with top House conservatives and four senior aides.

Key Republicans tell The Messenger they are honing in on what they say is a “pay-to-play” bribery scheme involving first son Hunter Biden’s business dealings when he worked for a Ukrainian energy company and his father served as vice president.

No evidence has surfaced, however, that shows President Biden received any of the funds that flowed to his son. And plenty of moderate and establishment Republicans worry impeachment will backfire on the party.

“It’s stupid. It’s completely made up. They don’t have anything,” longtime Republican strategist Susan Del Percio, who served in the administration of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, told The Messenger. “This is not about impeachment for cause. This is a political stunt. And I have a feeling it’s going to go very badly for Republicans.”