When Trump is revealed as an agent of foreign governments will America finally wake up?

It’s time to tell the truth about Trump: he’s been an agent of organized crime and foreign governments for decades. And he’s continuing his work for Putin, Xi, Erdogan, and MBS — undermining Americans’ faith in democracy — to this day.

Trump and Ivana visited Moscow in 1987. The KGB’s psychological profile of Trump had determined he was vulnerable to flattery and not much of a deep thinker, so they told him repeatedly how brilliant he was and that he should run for president in the US. Much to the astonishment of the KGB and Putin, Trump returned from Moscow to the US to give a Republican presidential campaign speech that fall.

In 2017, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gained access to America’s deepest secrets by secretly paying off General Michael Flynn as Flynn became Trump’s National Security Advisor. Flynn also had at least one secret phone conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak after Flynn started working in the White House.

Nobody knows if this was when Trump started stealing Top Secret documents and nuclear secrets from our intelligence agencies, but if Flynn was one of his back-channel paths to Russian intelligence and Putin, even via Erdogan, it would make sense.

Paul Manafort admitted that during the 2016 election he was handing secret campaign polling and strategy information off to Russian intelligence, presumably so they could successfully use it to target vulnerable voters via Facebook and other social media in swing states.

Trump also sucked up to arguably the wealthiest oligarch in the world, Saudi Arabia’s Mohammad bin Salman, breaking with the tradition of American presidents first visiting close allies among democratic nations. Trump’s first foreign trip was to Saudi Arabia, and the kingdom later gifted his family with $2 billion.

It’s still unknown if or how much money they might’ve transferred directly to Trump himself via one of his offshore accounts. Because Saudi Arabia is a police state, and Trump is really good at hiding his money after a lifetime of working with organized crime, we’ll probably never know.

It’s becoming harder and harder for Trump and his acolytes to claim that they harbor any loyalty or love for America or democracy. Their hatred of our system of government isn’t just evident rhetorically; they turn out on the streets with AR-15s strapped across their backs.

When Trump is finally revealed as not just a con man and hustler but an agent of foreign dictators, a spy, and a traitor, will America finally wake up?



Article URL : https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/when-trump-is-revealed-as-an-agent-of-foreign-governments-will-america-finally-wake-up/ar-AA1gB0np?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=f4e9796acc1d4e0fb07114131f3f43bd&ei=5