Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian’s Wall ‘felled overnight’

One of the UK’s most photographed trees which stood in a dip in Hadrian’s Wall appears to have been felled overnight, the national park has said.

Police are investigating after the tree in Sycamore Gap – known as Robin Hood’s Tree – seemed to have been cut down.

Northumberland National Park Authority officials said it believed it had been “deliberately felled” and asked people to stay away from the site.

Photographer Ian Sproat said his “heart was ripped out” when he saw the damage.

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The National Trust said it was “shocked and saddened” to hear what “appears to be an act of vandalism”.

General manager Andrew Poad said the sycamore had been “an important and iconic feature in the landscape for nearly 200 years”.

Northumbria Police said inquiries were ongoing to establish whether any criminal offences had been committed.

R&I – TP


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