BLM Backs Hamas: ‘A Terrorist Organization Supports a Terrorist Organization’

Black Lives Matter chapters in Indianapolis and Chicago are drawing sharp bipartisan criticism for praising the heinous actions of Hamas in its brutal invasion of Israel.

On Tuesday, the Black Lives Matter Indy organization retweeted a post from the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, praising “[t]he heroic Palestinian people” and their “right to resist their racist, white supremacist, land-stealing [Z]ionist occupiers!”

The allegations in the tweet are objectively false and grossly antisemitic. Hamas is not “resisting” Israeli aggression, but invaded Israel on Saturday via more than 80 holes in the Israeli/Gaza border wall on Simchat Torah, a Jewish holiday.

“Resisting” also doesn’t characterize the act of brutally raping families in their homes, parading naked bodies through the streets, or beheading babies and leaving their bodies in the dirt.

The accusations of white supremacy are unfounded, though Black Lives Matter chapters and activists often falsely accuse individuals or groups of white supremacy.

On Tuesday, Black Lives Matter’s Chicago organization showcased its support of Hamas by posting a depiction of a paratrooper with a Palestinian flag captioned “I stand with Palestine,” appearing to endorse the attack by Hamas, in which terrorists slaughtered innocent attendees of a music festival near the Israel/Gaza border.

According to a tweet by Andy Ngô, a senior editor at the Post Millennial, “A unit of Hamas militants used paragliders and hang gliders to launch their armed massacre of civilians in southern Israel. BLM, like Antifa, has long expressed support for Palestinian terrorism in the name of ‘de-colonialism’ and fighting capitalism.”

At least 260 people died at the music festival massacre.

California state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, condemned the Black Lives Matter Chicago tweet as “More advocacy for violence against Jews,” characterizing it as “sickening.”

However, Wiener endorsed Black Lives Matter at least twice in the past three years—when San Francisco created a BLM plaza and when he encouraged BLM to do more than sloganeering: “It’s also a danger on the Left, where the symbols of progressivism are often preferred to the sacrifices and risks those ideals demand.”

Mia Cathell, an investigative reporter for, described Black Lives Matter Chicago as “a terrorist organization [supporting] a terrorist organization.”

Relegated to old news (10/10). TP


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