The Intersection Of Evil: Hamas, Antifa, BLM, Harvard And Barack Obama

While Antifa conspicuously stays out of sight, Black Lives Matter, the darling of the Democrats, shows up in party hats and whistles, with “​​chapters across the country,” Mediaite reports, “celebrating the terrorist attacks that have claimed hundreds of innocent lives in Israel.”

Harvard students made a splashy appearance, as well – nearly three dozen campus groups have sided with the barbarians. According to the media, a coalition of 34 Harvard student organizations issued a joint statement in which they said they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” as “millions of Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison,” and “the apartheid regime is the only one to blame.”

Elements in both groups have since tried to retreat from their hateful actions and comments, but it’s too late. One, their “repentance” is based on public backlash, not the horrors perpetrated by Hamas, and, two, they clearly showed the world who they really are.

One of Harvard’s most famous graduates, Barack Obama – whose puppet has sullied the Oval Office for almost four years now – was for a while also as absent as Antifa. In fact he was so late in defending humanity that the New York Post called him out in an editorial for his silence.

The rest of us know, as the New York Post editorialized, that this newest war “is the future of the Middle East that Obama, in effect, wanted, fought for and now has achieved: Iran ascendant; nascent normalization between Israel and Arab states in jeopardy; the terrorist group Hamas emboldened and abetted by Tehran to strike viciously against soft targets within Israel.”

But like the Harvard administrators, Obama has to engage in a charade to cover a vile bigotry while waiting for the pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian propaganda campaigns to finally poison at least half of the American electorate, at which point animosity toward Israel is no longer a political liability.

Obama and his acolytes used his presidency to destabilize the Middle East in the service of a left-wing ideology that excuses antisemitism and justifies terrorist violence,” Federalist book editor Mark Hemingway wrote earlier this week.

The ideology includes Obama’s sweetheart deal with the mullahs of Iran who fund and spread Islamic terrorism. His administration boasted that the 2015 agreement was a historic pact that would block Tehran’s attempts to build atomic weapons. But in reality it set up Tehran as a future nuclear power.


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