Three Texas Republicans stand firm against Jim Jordan in second House speaker vote

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan failed to woo any of his detractors in the Texas delegation in his bid to become House Speaker on Wednesday, despite efforts in the state to push for their support.

U.S. Reps. Kay Granger of Fort Worth, Tony Gonzales of San Antonio and Jake Ellzey of Waxahachie all voted against Jordan’s bid again during the second vote to select a new speaker since former Speaker Kevin McCarthy of California was ousted. Granger and Gonzales voted for House Majority Leader Steve Scalise while Ellzey voted for fellow fighter pilot veteran Rep. Mike Garcia, R-California.

Jordan failed to secure the gavel in Wednesday’s vote where he received a total of 199 votes, short of the 217 he needed to secure the gavel. Most of the 22 Republican votes against Jordan — two more than Tuesday’s vote — went to long-shot candidates and were largely in protest against the far-right Ohioan. One vote, from Iowa’s Mariannette Miller-Meeks, went to Granger.

“This was a vote of conscience and I stayed true to my principles. Intimidation and threats will not change my position,” Granger said in a post on social media after the vote.


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