Hamas-Sympathizing Dem Blames Media for Her Hamas Propaganda Incident About the Gaza Hospital Bombing

Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) are two of the most vocal and visible terrorist-sympathizing voices on the Hill. Both have a history of anti-Semitic shenanigans, Omar with the more extensive list, including the infamous tweet about Israel having hypnotic powers over the world. Omar, remember, couldn’t denounce radical Islamic terrorists who committed the 9/11 attacks, describing it as an event where “some people did something.”

So, are we shocked that these two form the face of the pro-Hamas caucus on the Hill? Both peddled fake news about the hospital strike in Gaza, which was the fault of the terrorists, not Israel. Tlaib broke down in tears at a rally in DC yesterday, though it’s long been debunked, despite the media’s rush to blame Israel. Once again, we had a catastrophic media failure since these clowns fell for Hamas propaganda.