‘Free Palestine’ Is the New ‘Sieg Heil’

Image Courtesy of the ADL

The United Nations General Assembly, under the leadership of the United States, “enshrine[d] the ‘lessons’ of the Holocaust” in the 1948 Genocide Convention, banning genocide as a crime under international law.  The Convention provides that the Contracting Parties (now numbering 153 nations) must “undertake to prevent and to punish” genocide whenever it’s committed.

After Hamas’s undeniably genocidal massacre in Israel on October 7, it’s obvious that the Convention members have no intention of punishing Hamas’s atrocities, or of undertaking to prevent Hamas, or the horde of other Islamist entities, from fulfilling their promises to “obliterate” Israel.  Instead, the consensus of the world’s leaders is the exact opposite, and it’s Israel in the dock for war crimes.  Since mobilizing to eliminate Hamas, Israel, maligned as “blinded by rage” (quoting Joe Biden), is being unjustly blamed for indiscriminate “retaliatory” attacks on civilian targets — for no better reason than that “some people did something.”

So much for the post-war assurance of “never again.”

Across the Western, non-Muslim world, antisemitic attacks are soaring, and large cities are witnessing huge rallies demanding a “Free Palestine” — with one Sydney mob screaming, “Gas the Jews!”  Democratic representative Rashida Tlaib led a rowdy takeover of the U.S. Capitol, demanding the “dismantling [of] the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance.”  In short, Tlaib wants Israel gone.

On Monday night, a New York art critic named Eli Klein posted on X: “Just came home to hundreds of people outside of my apartment here in NYC calling for Intifada, which given recent events, may well be considered a call for the mass murder of Jews.”  The posted video depicts a mob chanting, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution!”  Added Klein, “Never did I expect to see this kind of open antisemitism so close to home.”

Are we now faced with something more dangerous than Nazism?  Because just as evil but far more accepted?   Hitler managed to murder six million of Europe’s Jews while at war with a world so united to destroy him that even ideological enemies, the U.S. and the USSR, became allies to defeat him.

The point is that the Third Reich never had the benefit of millions of supporters — spread throughout the universities, news organizations, and legislatures of every Allied nation — loudly endorsing the Nazis’ racialist case for a Judenfrei Europe.  And New York Times headlines weren’t blaring the humanitarian devastation our B-17s were causing for the German volk.


Approved ~ MJM