Ex-White House reporter shames GOP with list of bigotry

The political party who put forward speaker nominations including a man who described himself as Ku Klux Klan chief David Duke, but “without the baggage,” is racist, a former White House reporter contends.

Columnist Brian Karem compared the Grand Old Party’s “clown show” effort to elect a speaker of the House with the antics of a former U.S. President, who currently faces criminal charges in two states and the District of Columbia.

“The party is racist, misogynistic, anti-poor, elitist, delusional and greedy for power at all costs,” Karem wrote. “That also perfectly describes Trump, trying and failing on another grand scale.”

Johnson has already been dubbed “MAGA Mike” for his efforts in trying to overturn the 2020 election, which included echoing false fraud claims and leading an amicus brief filed in Texas to overturn the results.

“The party can’t govern. It can’t pass a bill. It can’t acknowledge the needs of others,” says Karem. “It is narrow-minded, cynical and overtly misanthropic, in the truest sense of that word.”

“More than anything else, that party has come to resemble its lord and master Donald Trump.”

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Article URL : https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ex-white-house-reporter-shames-gop-with-list-of-bigotry/ar-AA1iUoPo?ocid=msedgntp&pc=DCTS&cvid=b49be9430e9043a0ab27e8936091a4cf&ei=7