This Alabama mayor and pastor was outed for apparently living a double life as a trans woman “to relieve stress” 🫠

This is a bizarre story. I don’t even know where to start.

The mayor of a small town in central Alabama called Smith Station, and pastor of First Baptist Church in neighboring Phenix City has recently been outed by a local conservative news source for having a secret online life where he pretends to be a woman and posts inappropriate content online.

Let me go ahead and slap a warning on here because this dude’s private life is gross and explicit.

According to 1819 News, F.L. “Bubba” Copeland is not just a Bubba. He’s a sissy too.

Here’s how the residents of Smith’s Station and congregants of Phenix City First Baptist would see Copeland on a day-to-day basis:

But here’s how Bubba presents himself online. As a “Brittini”:

Yeah, that’s Bubba, in his wife’s shirt, as posted on Reddit in trans porn forums.

He also ran an Instagram account as “Brittini.”

Here are the types of comments Bubba writes on Reddit.

The original source for this story has more photos, but honestly, they’re a little too gross…


Approved ~ MJM