Trump waited until after he left office to disclose trademarks he owns in China and Russia

Donald Trump’s financial disclosures neglected to include hundreds of trademarks he owns — including over 100 in China and six in Russia — until after he left the office of the presidency.

The hundreds of trademarks include the rights for business opportunities expected for someone with Trump’s business record, like real estate, golf, beauty pageant, and hotel branding in dozens of countries.

The list also includes more unexpected business opportunities for the former president, like video games, lash extensions, deodorant, and nautical instruments.

Trump’s complete list of trademarks was first disclosed in a document known as OGE Form 278e, which the US Office of Governmental Ethics requires for US presidents and vice presidents and candidates for president and vice president.

Until this year, the former US president’s ethics forms didn’t disclose his trademarks in foreign countries, which can provide him revenue and are issued and can be revoked by foreign governments. He didn’t disclose them at all while in office, and he first disclosed the long list in July of this year and amended it in August.

The belated disclosures mean that Americans had little insight into the scope of Trump’s foreign asset holdings during his presidency, and are only learning about them as he runs for a second term in the 2024 election.


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