Speaker Mike Johnson betrays core Baptist value

BJC continues to speak out strongly because we are especially concerned when Baptists like Mike Johnson misportray our values in the public square. As both an ordained Baptist minister and a constitutional lawyer, I cannot stay silent when I see both our country’s Constitution and my Baptist heritage so misconstrued.

Regrettably, Speaker Johnson has continued to spread half truths about the separation of church and state in the weeks since his election.

Speaker Johnson’s views come straight out of the pseudo-history pushed by the likes of activist David Barton. The Texas Tribune recently reported on their close ties, noting how widely described Barton’s views are by actual historians:

Our concern isn’t just about rhetoric about history. Johnson’s beliefs have an impact on public policy. One specific area of concern for religious freedom advocates is that Speaker Johnson has advocated for the repeal of the so-called Johnson Amendment, which protects the integrity of houses of worship and other 501(c)(3) organizations from partisan campaigning. Repealing the Johnson Amendment would expose our churches to pressure to endorse candidates, and it could turn all charitable nonprofits into de facto political action committees, undermining their independent witness and prophetic voice.