President Joe Biden was born November 20, 1942—almost a year into U.S. involvement in World War II, which kickstarted a rise in food prices—and here’s what the basic groceries cost then, compared to what they cost now.
White bread cost 8.7 cents for one loaf in 1942, which would be about $1.70 in 2023—about 30 cents less than the average price of pre-packaged white bread today.
A pound of butter cost an average of 54 cents in October 1942, which would be about $9.95 today, when the average price of a pound of butter is $4.55.
Eggs cost an average of 58.5 cents a dozen in October 1942, which would be $10.78 in today’s dollars—about $8 more than the average cost today, which is $2.07.
Pork chops were 43.1 cents a pound in October 1942, which would be $7.94 today—$3 more than what a pound of pork chops cost, which is $4.45.
A pound of apples cost an average of 6.2 cents in October 1942, about $1.14 in today’s dollars, compared to between $1 and $4 today, depending on the type of apple.
A head of lettuce cost an average of 13.9 cents in October 1942, which would be about $2.56 today—not far off the average price of a head of iceberg lettuce now at about $2.
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