Hamas and its supporters around the world are worse than Nazis

Hamas is worse than the Nazis because the Nazis still had a sufficient moral compass to be embarrassed by their genocidal crimes, while Hamas and its supporters are loud and proud. And when I say supporters, I don’t just mean the Gazastanians, a huge majority of whom support both Hamas and the massacre of Israelis. I mean their collaborators in the West, too.

When the Soviets approached Auschwitz, the Nazis did everything they could to hide their crimes, whether it was to empty the camps by taking prisoners on death marches or simply destroying the crematoria, which were the infrastructure of mass murder. Moreover, the reason for the gas chambers was that the ordinary German soldier was sickened by slaughtering civilians en masse, even the Jews he’d been taught to believe were subhuman.

Hamas’s fighters, on the other hand, recorded, broadcast, and celebrated their raping women to death, slaughtering babies, and torturing children before killing them. They are ecstatic with blood lust, as is the civilian population in Gaza.

Hamas also has a rape culture worse than anything the Nazis did. Historically, conquering militaries have always raped. However, the Nazis had as their official policy avoiding rape because of their obsession with racial purity. Yes, the prohibition was widely ignored, but nothing the Nazis did compares to Hamas.

Meanwhile, Israeli troops do not rape because they are moral. Yes, there will be exceptions, but Hamas and the Gazastanians don’t even try to pretend that their women are at risk.

Approved ~ FS


Article URL : https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/11/hamas_and_its_supporters_around_the_world_are_worse_than_nazis.html