[article is from Sep 2020] AP EXPLAINS: Biden’s sizable but not radical tax plans

Published 10:37 AM EST, September 13, 2020

ATLANTA (AP) — President Donald Trump describes Democratic challenger Joe Biden as a “tool” of “radical socialists” who are bent on taxing every American business and household into bankruptcy. Some progressives say Biden is a corporate crony who will never address systemic inequalities in U.S. society.

In reality, Biden has taken a relatively consistent approach over five decades in politics and during his latest White House bid. The former senator and vice president backs an active federal government that he says should support but not constrict private enterprise, and he believes the highest federal tax burden should fall on the wealthiest.

“Go out and make a million bucks,” Biden would sometimes tell deep-pocketed donors during his early campaign fundraisers. “Just pay your fair share” back into the system.

Closed as old news – Sully

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Article URL : https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-joe-biden-business-politics-ap-explains-2e319858f049ddf25d975476455b7305