Not a single Biden has done anything to disprove any allegations against them, nor will they – forging documents to make your case never works out well, just ask Dan Rather.
And documents would be all it would take to disprove the allegations – something, anything at all showing Joe Biden served as the Biden family bank, loaning out large sums of money to all comers, at zero interest, for pretty much anything. A worthless junkie setting millions of dollars on fire while completely engulfed in addiction wants tens of thousands of dollars to buy a truck, even though he already owns 2 other vehicles? Not a problem, just don’t ask for anything formalizing the transaction.
Joe’s brother – one of the few people on the planet who can make Hunter look productive and like a good hire – and his wife “paid back” a small fortune to Joe for “loans” to cover…God knows what. Again, at Bank of Biden no paperwork is necessary. That paperwork, by the way, would put an entire chicken coop’s worth of eggs on the faces of the GOP, but they refuse to produce anything as simple as a bank record of the money going from Joe to any family member in the first place – $40,000 back to Joe should’ve been proceeded by $40,000 from Joe, shouldn’t it have been?
R&I – TP