Hamas Used Fake Baby to Lure Israeli Soldiers Into Deadly Trap, Military Says

Hamas used baby dolls, with sounds of crying amplified through a speaker system, as part of an apparent ploy to lure Israeli soldiers into an ambush inside an underground tunnel shaft, the Israel Defense Forces said Friday.

Troops in the 261st Brigade uncovered the trap in Jabalia, a city in northern Gaza, during a sweep, the IDF said.

Near the dolls, soldiers also discovered children’s bags and clothing, the military said.

“They sometimes play sounds in Hebrew [over loudspeakers] so that we think there are hostages and missing persons here, to draw us into the IED area,” a military official says in a video posted online by the IDF, as he explains how the military foiled the Hamas trap.

R&I – TP


Article URL : https://themessenger.com/news/hamas-used-fake-baby-cries-to-lure-israeli-soldiers-into-deadly-trap-military-says