New archaeological discovery may change the whole story of Christmas’ origin

In a news’ site, we read the astonishing announcement that debunks all theories and fairytales created on the Christmas tradition. In “Enikos Newsroom” we read the following announcement.

“A fresco, dating back 5,000 years, is the oldest nativity scene ever found. The mural, discovered in the Sahara desert of Egypt, shows a newborn between its parents, two animals and a star in the east. The scene is reminiscent of the Bible’s account of the birth of Jesus. However, the fresco was created 3,000 years before the birth of Christ. A team of Italian researchers found the fresco in a cave now called the “Cave of the Parents”, in the Egyptian Sahara during an expedition between the Gilf al-Kebir plateau and the Nile Valley. The unknown artist has painted a newborn between its parents, a star in the east and two animals. According to, the mural was discovered on the ceiling of a small cave in the Sahara Desert. Researchers believe it dates back to the Neolithic or Stone Age”.

An almost identical description of the announcement of Gabriel to Mariam, we encounter in the Greek Mythology referred to the birth of Dionysus and Hercules, that were found during archaeological excavations in Greece, now exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Acropolis in Athens.

It seems that this myth was common to the ancient world from the remote antiquity and proves that Christians appropriated that common story for their “Savior”.

An ancient Greek motto runs “There is nothing veiled under the sun”. and a modern one, “Satan has short legs” (lies have short life).

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