Freed Israeli hostage Mia Schem ‘went through holocaust’ in Hamas captivity in Gaza: ‘Everyone over there is a terrorist’

A 21-year-old Israeli-French tattoo artist who was abducted by Hamas has recalled the horrors that she faced in Gaza in her first interview, saying she “went through a holocaust” during her 54 days in captivity.

Mia Schem was asked in a preview clip of an interview with Channel 13 why she decided to open up about her experience at the hands of the terrorists.

“It was important to me to relay the truth about the nature of the people who live in Gaza, who they are truly are and what I experienced there,” the young woman tells journalist Lior Veroslavski in the clip released Thursday.

“That I went through a holocaust,” the former hostage says, matter-of-factly. “Everyone over there is a terrorist.”

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