US students touring Israel: Campus antisemitism is palpable, violent — and inescapable

Filmmaker Ami Horowitz recently attempted to gauge tolerance to antisemitic violence at San Francisco State University, where he asked 35 random people to donate money for “weapons to fight back against the Jews,” as he told one interlocutor.

All but seven agreed and none pushed back against the pitch, according to Horowitz, who told several people that their money would “fund operations against soft targets: schools, Jewish cafés.”

The antisemitic cause yielded about $500 collectively in pledges for donations that Horowitz, who specializes in exposing double standards through unscripted interviews, never actually followed up on.

But his would-be donors’ willingness to give shocked many of the thousands of people who saw the clip. Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff of New York wrote about it X: “I can’t believe what I just watched.”