Democrats’ Statue Toppling Is A Dress Rehearsal For Going After Actual People

It’s time to stop debating history and facts with people who only care about the exercise of raw political power…

Arguing about history with these people is pointless because they don’t care about historical realities or subtleties or facts, they only care about power. So this is my simple argument from now on for the statue question: No statues should come down, ever, for any reason. I don’t care if it’s a statue of Jefferson Davis waving a Confederate flag, leave it where it stands.

Why do I say this? Because once you grant the premise that there’s a problem with these statues, that they are somehow offensive or harmful, the contest is over and the radicals have won. And anyway, the premise itself is totally disingenuous. The last thing Democrats want right now is unity and peace among the American people. The idea that they genuinely believe toppling statues of historical figures from our nation’s past will bring people together is laughable and doesn’t deserve the dignity of a response.

At a time when President Joe Biden is openly campaigning for reelection by vilifying his political opposition as terrorists and insurrectionists, and trying with all his might to jail his chief political rival, former President Donald Trump, don’t try to tell me he cares about creating more inclusive public spaces, and that that’s why his administration is so keen to topple statues.

It’s not complicated. For Democrats, tearing down statues is a kind of dress rehearsal, not much different than book burning was for the Nazis. They want to erase their opponents from American public life, and if they can’t do it in an orderly and official way, they’ll use a mob.

Approved – Sully


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