Republicans Sound the Trump Alarm to Supreme Court

On Tuesday, in an open letter published to The Bulwark, a news site on Substack that provides analysis and reporting, 19 former Republican Representatives who served in Congress in previous years sounded the alarm asking the Supreme Court for a speedy trial.

“Just as Trump is entitled to a fair trial, the American public is entitled to a speedy trial. Perhaps in no other case in American history is the public’s interest in the swift and fair administration of criminal justice as great as it is here. The public should have the benefit of the evidence presented during trial—and by Trump in his defense—and Trump should be judged by a jury of his peers. That may not be in the former president’s political interests, but it is in the nation’s best interest,” the open letter stated.

The open letter was signed by Steve Bartlett of Texas, Tom Coleman of Missouri, Barbara Comstock of Virginia, Charles Dent of Pennsylvania, David F. Emery of Maine, Jim Greenwood of Pennsylvania, Bob Inglis of South Carolina, David Jolly of Florida, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Mike Parker of Mississippi, Thomas E. Petri of Wisconsin, Reid J. Ribble of Wisconsin, Scott Rigell of Virginia, Claudine Schneider of Rhode Island, David Trott of Michigan, Jim Walsh of New York, Joe Walsh of Illinois and Zachary Wamp of Tennessee.

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