As Biden Denies Border Crisis, Border Patrol Reveals Horrific Death Toll

Just a few days ago, President Biden declined to call the historic disaster at the border a “crisis.”  That’s delusional, of course.  December witnessed the highest number of monthly border encounters in US history, as illegal crossings and known got-aways have surged past even last year’s record-shattering trajectory.  Since Biden took office, approximately 10 million illegal crossings have been recorded, sowing chaos along the Southern boundary and — thanks to the state of Texas — within numerous sanctuary jurisdictions.  The American people are noticing.  The latest CBS News poll shows Biden 45 points upside-down on the issue.  His denialism is neither fooling anyone nor deflecting from his abject failures.  The crisis is undeniable, and it’s lethal:


Relatedly, remember this recent report? “The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) filed a lawsuit against Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), claiming the agency halted the 287(g) program, which assists in the deportation of illegal migrant child rapists, attempted murderers, assailants, carjackers, and other known criminals. In August 2023, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealed that the government ended the program in January 2021— right after Biden entered office. However, the compromised agency gave no reason why the government did that.”  I’ll leave you with this, out of New York, where residents were fuming over a high school being closed to students in order to house illegal immigrants (a dance was also postponed in the process, but the experiment was abruptly ended following an outcry).  It seems AOC suddenly doesn’t have much of an opinion because a controversy occurred outside of her district.  Oh, really?