The Biden Admin Just Got Caught Peddling Another Hoax at the Border

Remember “whipgate,” the phony scandal pushed along by senior Biden administration officials who smeared federal agents by claiming they whipped illegal immigrants at the southern border — none of which was true? Well, the Biden admin yet again has found itself propagating a hoax related to the disaster along the U.S.-Mexico border that Team Biden can’t even admit is a “crisis.”

Over the weekend, countless headlines parroted a White House statement that claimed “a woman and two children drowned near Eagle Pass, and Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance.” 

The narrative being concocted by the White House was obvious: Texas’ decision to seize property along the border in Eagle Pass and boot federal agents — a move that was praised by the Border Patrol union, mind you — is killing people at the border. Never mind, of course, the blood of countless deaths on the Biden administration’s hands stemming from his disastrous border policies.

Facts, however, rarely get in the way of the Biden administration’s attempt to push a narrative via its mainstream media allies. The Associated Press spread the White House’s claim far and wide, and U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) jumped in to peddle the false narrative as well.  

Well, what the Biden administration, congressional Democrats, and mainstream outlets peddled is not, in fact, what happened — according to Biden’s own Department of Justice.