Biden’s US border crisis is now deadly enough to kill EVERY American

Joe Biden’s border crisis is deadly enough to kill every American, literally — as proven by the 386 million doses of fentanyl seized by the DEA in 2023

Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans between 18 and 45. 

The 12 months ending in April 2023 saw more than 111,355 overdose deaths among Americans — even higher than the already record-breaking 110,394 the year before.

At an average of 22 deaths per week, the death rate for teen drug ODs in 2022 more than doubled the rate in 2018, another grim figure driven by the synthetic opioid. 

Fentanyl victim Ashley Dunn died of an overdose in 2021; her mother gave heartbreaking testimony before Congress Thursday at an impeachment inquiry hearing for Biden’s border enabler No. 1, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Pathetically, slimy Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) tried to deflect blame onto a supposed lack of Customs and Border Protection resources, only to be thunderously and correctly shut down by Ashley’s mother, Josephine.

Over 300 million doses of fentanyl were seized by the DEA in 2023.AP

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