DA Willis hired her married lover to prosecute Trump and then he bought her plane tickets. If you think that’s bad, watch what she said in 2020.

Well, isn’t it strange how this always works?

Fani Willis, who hired her boyfriend Nathan Wade for BIG money to prosecute the biggest case in her entire career, the case to “get Trump,” used to think it was a bad thing to have a conflict of interest.

Here’s Willis back in 2020:

I certainly would not be choosing someone to date who works under me, let’s just say that!

Yeah, about that…

It sure looks like Fani chose an underling to date, gave him the big case, and then used the money Georgia taxpayers are paying to Wade to go on fancy vacations across the country.

It’s like she’s not even trying to hide it.

So what would 2020 Fani Willis say about this sort of thing?

Here’s her thoughts on a past scandal.

It is certianly inappropriate for the #1 law enforcement officer in this state and it really really saddens me and it will be very unfortunate if the taxpayers of this community have to pay for ANY of those lawsuits.


She used to think it was BAD for the DA to sleep with their employees.

It seems like something she would never have tolerated.

But now?

Now if you think the exact same thing she did in 2020, well, you’re racist!

How dare Fani Willis expect Fani Willis to be PERFECT!

She’s a brave black woman doing her best to take down a bad orange man! How dare you criticize her!


Approved ~ MJM