Trans man who had mastectomy discovered to be 5 months pregnant, making rare ‘seahorse dad’

A transgender man who underwent a mastectomy while transitioning in Italy was found to be five months pregnant — joining a rare group of so-called “seahorse dads.”

The parent-to-be, referred to only as “Marco” in Italian media, already had a breast removal op and was preparing to get rid of the uterus when the pregnancy was discovered at a hospital in Rome, the Telegraph reported.

“Having discovered the pregnancy, the first thing to do is to suspend [hormone] therapy immediately,” Dr. Giulia Senofonte, an endocrinologist, told La Repubblica, the news outlet that first reported it.

The expert on gender therapy warned that the fetus could be at risk.

“If the halting of the therapy is not immediate, there could be consequences, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, which is an important time for the development of the baby’s organs,” Senofonte said.

“It’s difficult to talk about it in abstract terms, but it all depends on the timing of the suspension of the dosages of testosterone that the person is taking,” she added.


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