‘Can We Talk About the Movie I’m Promoting?’ Joe Rogan Guest Begs to Move on After Host Spends 20 Minutes Ranting About ‘Evil’ Covid Lockdowns

Rogan ranted, as he is wont to do. He ranted about Covid restrictions, the “Deep State,” the 2000 election, the 2020 election, and this unhinged bit about “evil” while he lit a cigar for Lee:

Lee sighed a few times, responding to this by saying thinking about this makes him feel “powerlessness” over wanting to do something, and adding it “stresses me out.” He could have also been referring to Rogan’s rant, because this was after nearly a solid 20 minutes of Rogan going on and on… and on and on:

Finally, Lee stepped in to get the conversation back on the rails: “Yeah. Well, it just stresses me out. You want to talk about the movie? Can we talk about the movie I’m promoting?”