Matt Kim: “If you can’t walk outside your home past dark, the system in which you live is broken”

Matt Kim: If you can’t walk outside your home past dark, the system in which you live is broken. It doesn’t matter if your rent is $500 per month or your high-rise condo is worth $5 million. If you don’t feel comfortable letting your wife, girlfriend, daughter, or grandmother walk outside past dark, your government sucks. If you worry someone is going to steal your Amazon package, your neighborhood is broken. If you don’t want your kids playing in the local park, your system is broken. If you accept that crime and corruption are jut simply a way of life, it is your fault too for allowing it to happen. For not speaking up, for not forcing change.

It is so frustrating being lectured about my way of life while they step over a homeless drug addict on the way to work. Lecturing me about crime and law an order while they way for an attendant to unlock the cage that protects the toothpaste and mouthwash at the local convenience store.

A good friend once told me: Vote your reality. What’s your reality? Is life amazing and great, and most importantly safe? If the answer is not emphatically yes, the system under which you live is broken. If you don’t take that as an opportunity to vote for change, if you continue to listen to the idiots on TV telling you this is the Orange Man’s fault, you’re broken.