Joe Biden Got Free Services From Hunter’s Business Associate, Eric Schwerin

Hunter Biden business associate Eric Schwerin testified to Congress behind closed doors on Tuesday in their impeachment investigation of Joe Biden.

The Oversight Committee wanted Schwerin’s testimony because not only was he a business associate of Hunter, but he also took care of the finances for Joe Biden, including his taxes and other matters. So when Joe Biden said he never spoke with any of Hunter’s associates, that was just untrue, as not only did he speak with others, but he spoke a lot with Schwerin because of the financial work he did for the family.

According to Schwerin’s opening remarks, he maintained that he was ‘not aware of any financial transactions or compensation’ Joe Biden received through his family’s businesses. He also called Republican allegations otherwise ‘preposterous.’

But Republicans say Schwerin’s testimony pokes holes into Biden’s claim that there has always been an ‘absolute wall’ between himself and his family’s business.

A source told that Schwerin confirmed he interacted with then-Vice President Biden on ‘multiple’ occasions and was not paid to provide several professional services – including bookkeeping and tax preparation.

Schwerin was also appointed by Biden to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, which other top donors and friends sat on.

House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-KY) said Joe Biden got free professional services from Schwerin and “it is unethical for the VP to receive gifts of this nature.”

R&I – TP


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