IDF eliminates key Hamas figure in precise airstrike: a blow to terror networks

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), in coordination with the Shin Bet security agency, announced the successful elimination of a key Hamas figure, Ahmed Ghoul. Ghoul, a commander within the militant organization, played a critical role in the harrowing events that unfolded on October 7, when he was involved in the kidnapping of women from a music rave, an act that sent shockwaves through the region.

Based on meticulous intelligence, investigations, and interrogations of members from the Hamas Nukhba force, Israeli forces pinpointed Ghoul’s location. The operation was executed with precision, resulting in Ghoul’s death in an airstrike. This operation wasn’t just about retribution; it was a calculated move to dismantle the networks within Hamas responsible for acts of terror against Israeli citizens and soldiers. Ghoul’s involvement in the October 7 attack and his subsequent role in guarding hostage Cpl. Noa Marciano, who was later killed by Hamas at Shifa Hospital, made him a significant target for the IDF and Shin Bet.



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