Nikki Haley and her voters still have a chance to be heroes. They need to vote for Biden.

Super Tuesday was not good for Nikki Haley, but it loudly confirmed a trend we’ve seen in the early primary states: There’s a solid chunk of Republicans who care enough about America to not want anything to do with Donald Trump.

The former president and current criminal defendant is going to win the GOP presidential nomination, a fact that has been clear from the jump. It became clearer as the Super Tuesday results began coming in. Haley fought admirably, but she saw the writing on the wall and ended her campaign Wednesday morning, saying “It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him.”

We all know this cultish figure who has consumed the Republican Party and is bleeding it dry to help pay the legal costs that come with his multiple criminal indictments will not earn anyone’s vote. Trump expects loyalty, he doesn’t work for it.

So that leaves Haley and her voters adrift, but with a chance to be heroes. They need to vote, hard as it may be, for Joe Biden.

Approved ~ FS


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