There really isn’t much you can say about what was witnessed last night in the People’s House. Joe Biden shouting at America for an hour while muttering something about snickers bars, snack food and the need to send billions of dollars to Ukraine was essentially the gist.
Following one of the most incoherent teleprompter reads in the history of presidential politics, one can only imagine how Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin were briefed on what took place in Washington DC at 9:00pm. Suffice to say, no sleep was lost amid the global community of leaders who smile as the USA influence collapses.
What was even more goofy, was the pretending amid the corporate media that Joe Biden said stuff that was discernable and/or potentially fitting the office of the executive. The various news agencies each described the color of the emperor’s new coat as if it actually existed. The pretending was/is simply off the charts bizarre.