Panicked Democrats pass the copium around after devastating Hur report hearing

Though Special Counsel Robert Hur was grilled by both sides during the House Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday regarding his troubling findings in the Joe Biden classified documents probe, it was Democrats who were clearly rattled by what Hur had to say and his defenses of the conclusions he drew about Biden.

There was Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), for example, who predictably went his usual slimy route by trying to smear Hur and get him to pledge to not accept an appointment in a future Donald Trump administration in the event Trump wins in November – as though Hur’s observations in the report about Biden were made with that in mind.

Then there was woke Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), who desperately tried to get Hur to declare that he had “exonerated” Biden. When Hur immediately corrected her and said he had done no such thing, she rushed to shut him up by reclaiming her time.

Meanwhile, on the Twitter machine, much Copium and Hopium was being passed around among Very Online Leftists who struggled mightily to cope, seethe, dodge, and deflect after a day where things went from bad to worse for Joe Biden.