Biden refuses to take executive action, says ‘I’m counting on the border action happening by itself’

Huh? The quote in the headline, I mean. What the hell did that mean?

Let’s be clear: Despite his lies and denials to the contrary, Joe Biden knows full well he has the executive-order authority to stop what he intentionally started — the never-ending stream of illegal aliens surging across the southern border. While he’s recently flip-flopped on the issue, he now says: “I’m counting on the border action happening by itself.” Here’s how that went down:


Mr. President, when is a border executive action coming? An executive action on the border.


“I’m counting on the border action happening by itself — the passing it.

While deluded Joe Biden “counts” on border action on the illegal alien invasion he intentionally created to “take care of itself,” the crisis continues unabated. As even CBS News reported on March 5, illegal crossings along the southern border increase as officials prepare for a larger spike.

Yeah, Joe did that.